Monday, March 5, 2007

session dos

My brain hurts. I have been inundated recently w/ essential questions and enduring understandings, MLR and common assessments, staff meetings with W. Daggett.

This may work. We will see. The infotech site for spsd I like the mmost and neeed to explore.
Damnnnn tooo mucchhh cafffeiinnne anfd choooocooolattte.

Haiku from a recent staff meeting on MLR:

I sit pondering.
MLR bleeds me slowly,
Like dead pond leeches.


skoelker said...

Not sure we can do much about the brainaches, Peter. Cramming 2 a week of these in along with the rest of life, especially on staff meeting weeks, is sure to raise sales of Excedrin. Maybe Connie should put out ibuprofin snacks. I hope you can find those things that will work for you - and share them with us to encourage others.

How about a Spam haiku to lighten the mood? From the archives...

"George, tell me about
The rabbits." "Sure, Lenny. They
Were made into SPAM."

--Bob Roberds,


Mrs. Burns said...

I don't have a haiku to offer you guys:-) Yes, Peter, we are moving quickly at a really busy time of year (I want to know what time of year isn't busy!). I'll echo Steve's hope that you find some new learnings in class that will be helpful to your students.
See you on Thursday. Thanks for your insightful comments in class.